Complete WordPress Checklist to Launch a Successful Website in 2025

WordPress Website Checklist

Going from “idea to website” requires a lot of steps, but don’t worry, this printer-friendly list will help you start with the amazing website development process.

◻ Determine the goals and purpose of the website.
◻ Plan site structure: home, about, services, shop, blog, and contact.
◻ Acquire business information: mission, vision, images, logo, and videos.
◻ Verify that the text provided is simple and concise.
◻ Have web accessibility in mind from the beginning of the project.
◻ Inform all team members about web accessibility.

UX and UI design
◻ Identify the target audience.
◻ Collect data on user behavior.
◻ Make a competitive analysis.
◻ Create personas with web accessibility in mind.
◻ Determine aesthetic.
◻ Determine layout.
◻ Pick a color palette.
◻ Choose typography.
◻ Create mockups and wireframes.
◻ Make good use of whitespace.

◻ Determine the best web hosting plan for the project.
◻ Verify web hosting plans with extras like email, security, and backups.
◻ Purchase a domain name and web hosting plan with SSL.
◻ Create social media accounts.
◻ Install WordPress.
◻ Pick a username: don’t use admin as your username.
◻ Pick strong passwords.
◻ Add tagline.
◻ Install a theme that is web-accessible and responsive.
◻ Install a page builder.

◻ Install an Under Construction plugin.
◻ Install a Google Analytics plugin.
◻ Install an SEO plugin.
◻ Install cache plugin.
◻ Install a contact form plugin.
◻ Install an anti-spam plugin.
◻ Install a plugin to change or hide the login page.
◻ Install a plugin to limit login attempts.
◻ Install a backup plugin.

Add Content
◻ Make text readable by using lists, bullets, or short sentences.
◻ Titles on posts should be no more than 70 characters.
◻ Make sure to use keywords and add meta tags.
◻ Create pages.
◻ Create posts.
◻ Create a menu.
◻ Create a 404 page.
◻ Create a favicon.
◻ Create gravatars.

Web Accessibility
◻ Add content pages and posts while having web accessibility in mind.
◻ Don’t use figures of speech; words should mean exactly what they say.
◻ Add images with ALT text.
◻ Don’t use all caps on text. Do not overuse italics.
◻ Check the hierarchy in the content; headings need to be structured.
◻ Add images. Don’t add text over images.
◻ Make sure links are readable; the user knows where it’s going; don’t use click here.
◻ Check content using text-to-speech software.

◻ Include terms and conditions.
◻ Include copyright info.
◻ Include privacy policy.
◻ Include cookie policy.
◻ Include disclaimers.

◻ Disable file editing on wp-config.
◻ Disable directory browsing on htaccess.
◻ Inform all team members of the importance of using strong passwords and changing them regularly.
◻ Verify that the plugin to change or hide the login page is installed.
◻ Verify that the plugin to limit login attempts is installed.
◻ Verify that the backup plugin is functioning.

◻ Create social media integrations.
◻ Create a newsletter with Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or ConvertKit.
◻ Promote products, services, or content through email.
◻ Create a schedule so you always have something to post.
◻ Batch blog content and social media content.

◻ Read the content and correct grammar errors.
◻ Check all links; fix broken links.
◻ Check for page speed: loading time should be less than 3 seconds.
◻ Check the settings to ensure that the website is searchable and crawlable.
◻ Verify that the website is responsive and compatible with different devices.
◻ Verify that the website is printer-friendly.
◻ Verify time zone, date format, and time format.
◻ Verify permalink structure.
◻ Verify discussion settings: comments.
◻ Validate the HTML and CSS code.
◻ Validate the XML sitemap.
◻ Test contact forms.
◻ Optimize images.
◻ Verify that content can be shared on social media.
◻ Test the website on different devices.

◻ Create a schedule or add reminders to update plugins and themes.
◻ Create a schedule to back up the website.
◻ Create a schedule for social media promotions.

Final Touches
◻ Delete unnecessary content.
◻ Create documentation of guided steps for editors or administrators.
◻ Give access to editors or administrators.
◻ Share the news that your website is about to launch on social media.

Launch Website!

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